General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR)
From the 1st September 2021, the NHS will change how it shares your GP medical record. The General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR) data extract by NHS Digital from GP Practices across England will help the NHS to improve health and care services for everyone, by collecting patient data and holding it in a central national database.
This is an upgrade to an existing similar process called GPES (General Practice Extract Service). This new data collection will be more efficient, effective, and much more frequent.
For example, patient data held in this new national database can help the NHS to:
- monitor the long-term safety and effectiveness of care
- plan how to deliver better health and care services
- prevent the spread of infectious diseases
- identify new treatments and medicines through health research.
If you do not want your GP data shared with NHS Digital using GPDPR, you need to register an opt-out with your GP practice.
You can find more information to help you decide on the NHS Digital website using the buttons below:
Your medical records
All our medical records are now kept on computer, however you may rest assured that the information remains confidential under the terms of the Data Protection Act and accepted medical ethics. Your records are held under the guardianship of the NHS and information from them will only be passed on to outside agencies with your express written permission. If you require to see your medical records, you may do this in the presence of a doctor, who may need to explain the terminology to you, and so you will need to make a special appointment for this.
Medicines management
As a practice we support a medicines management review service of medications prescribed to our patients. This service involves a review of prescribed medications to ensure patients receive the most appropriate, up to date and cost-effective treatments. This service is provided by qualified and registered healthcare professionals from within the GP practice, our NHS Primary Care Network, NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group or by external partners approved by the GP practice. Patient identifiable information does not leave the practice system but is accessed to ensure only appropriate clinical recommendations or decisions are made for each patient. Each patient can opt out of (or back into) the practice using their data for anything other than specified purposes or where there is a lawful requirement to do so.
Your electronic patient record and data sharing
Today, electronic records are kept in all of the places that you receive healthcare. These places usually only share information from your records by letter, fax, or phone. At times this can slow down your treatment and mean that important information is hard to access when it is needed, especially in times of urgency.
Leyburn Medical Practice however uses a computerised clinical records system called SystmOne that allows the sharing of full electronic records across different healthcare services. As an organisation concerned with your healthcare, it is our policy to enable your data to be shared unless you tell us otherwise.
You have the right to tell us not to share your information and you can make this decision at any time and for any occasion. You can also limit the sharing of your information to specific healthcare services (and you can ask them not to share with us the information that they have recorded about you). You can change your decision at any time too.
For more information you can download this patient’s guide to Your electronic patient record.
If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to your doctor or the managing partner who will be happy to discuss them with you.
Please see our practice privacy notice.