Direct Access Services



Contact information

Accident / Injury

UTC can treat adults and children for strains and sprains, suspected broken limbs, minor head injuries, cuts and grazes, bites and stings, minor scalds and burns, ear and throat infections, skin infections and rashes, eye problems, coughs and colds, feverish illness, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea and children with minor illnesses such as fever, rashes and earache.
A&E – loss of consciousness, acute confused state and fits that are not stopping, chest pain, breathing difficulties, severe bleeding that cannot be stopped, severe allergic reactions, severe burns or scalds, stroke, major trauma such as a road traffic accident.
Unless your condition is life threatening, please don’t just turn up or walk in the emergency department (A&E) or urgent care services.
Please think pharmacist, GP or 111 first. In an emergency, always call 999.

Adult ADHD and Autism Assessment

North Yorkshire and York Platform for Adult Autism and ADHD referrals – NHS North Yorkshire CCG

Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service

Adult Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service – North Yorkshire Horizons
Young peoples Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service – NY Rise

NY Horizons -18 plus
North Yorkshire Rise – 10-18 years old (or up to 24 with SEND)
Illicit drugs only

NY Horizons 

Human Kind Charity
01723 330730 (option 1 adults, option 2 young people)


GP Surgeries do not deal with dental problems.

You should contact your dentist, if you are not registered with a dentist NHS 111 service can find you an emergency dentist.

Eye Care (CECS)

Flashes and floaters, loss of vision? NHS appointments available at local optical practices. More information: View our leaflet

To make an appointment call 0300 303 4922

Foot care

For any foot related problems you can self refer to the Podiatry Service.

Talking Therapies 

If you are aged 16 years + and need some counselling, have low mood, depression or just need someone to talk to.

Lifestyle Advice 

For any lifestyle advice re: Weight Loss / Getting Active / Stop Smoking – you can self-refer to many areas

Mental health practitioner

Our First Contact Mental Health Practitioner is Gill Schofield, this role is a joint role with the Richmondshire Primary Care Network and Tees Esk and Wear Valley NHS Trust.

Call reception and ask to be booked straight into an appointment.


Our First Contact Physiotherapist is Jag Sharma  – he is an experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapist who specialises in assessing and treating patients over the age of 18 with joint and soft tissue problems like muscle, nerve, tendon plus ligament injuries. These include neck, back, shoulder, elbow, wrist/ hand, hip, knee and ankle/ foot problems.

For any musculoskeletal problems such as knee pain, back pain & neck pain —you can self-refer to the Physio service – unless you are concerned it is something more serious then see a GP.

Talk to our reception team about booking a first contact physio appointment

Physio Direct is the convenient way to access NHS musculoskeletal physiotherapy for patients who have muscle or joint problems. The Physio Direct service is located within the Friarage Hospital, Northallerton.


You don’t need to see a GP for ailments: e.g.: cold-sores, hay fever, thrush, conjunctivitis—these are just a few of the things that can be treated with OTC medication & advice from any trained pharmacist.


If you are pregnant, you no longer need a GP to verify it – you can contact the Midwives directly and make your first appointment for when you are between 8-10 weeks pregnant.

Sexual Health

For free and confidential services including STIs, contraception, pregnancy, HIV tests treatments and support, free condoms and online postal testing contact YSH YorSexual Health telephone 01904 721111 or go to yorsexualhealth


BPAS – British Pregnancy Advisory Service & County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust Termination of Pregnancy Services

For pregnancy option advice call bpas (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) telephone 03457 30 40 30 or go to BPAS for more information Or call 01388 455333 (Mon-Fir 9am -5pm). A counselling service is also available 01388 455110 (Mon-Thurs 8am – 5pm). For more information go to:

Social Prescribing

Social prescribing is a way for GPs to refer people to a link worker. Link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me’ and taking a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.

Call reception and ask to be booked straight into an appointment.

© Copyright – Leyburn Medical Practice
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