COVID-19 vaccinations
LATEST INFORMATION – 1st February 2022
Following the end of covid vaccination clinics at Tennants Auction House in Leyburn we just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who used and supported the service. The service ran from there for 13 months. We think that’s a real achievement for Richmondshire.
If you still need a vaccine (1st, 2nd or Booster) don’t worry, you can book online at or by calling 119 to find your nearest vaccination centre and book your appointment.
If you have any symptoms and need a PCR test this can be done online at or by calling 119.
If you need proof of vaccination status, you can download the NHS app for free or call 119 to get an official letter sent to you by the Government. Please note that if you download the app you need to follow each step – do not skip any steps. If you prefer a letter of proof, you’ll need to allow a minimum of a week between requesting the letter and receiving it.
Gap between first and second vaccine doses
In the light of the government announcement about shortening the time between first and second doses of the COVID-19 vaccination for those aged 50 and over and others in cohorts 1–9 of the JCVI priority list, we are awaiting information on vaccine supply in order to plan clinics.
Please don’t contact us – you will be contacted with your new appointment date and time if this is needed.
If you fall into this group, please answer your phones to withheld numbers as this might be someone from the COVID vaccination centre trying to contact you.
Second doses are effective when administered anytime between 3 and 12 weeks after the first, so don’t worry if your second dose appointment is scheduled beyond 8 weeks. This will not affect the protection provided by your vaccination.
6th May 2021
NHS APP and COVID-19 vaccination records
The Government, with the NHS, is working on providing individuals with the means to demonstrate their COVID status through a digital and non-digital route, and is working with experts to put security and privacy at the core of this approach.
Use of the NHS App is being considered as part of the digital route. As part of this consideration, the COVID status is anticipated to take information from a central database and not from the patient’s GP health record for which their practice provide access.
Please note that the COVID status feature is not yet available on the NHS App and the information a patient can see currently in their medical records will likely not be used to prove COVID status.
See vaccine ‘passports’ for more information.
9th March 2021
We are aware patients in cohorts 5, 7–9 may receive a national letter offering the option to book a COVID vaccine at a mass vaccination site or pharmacy. If you wish to do this please just follow the instructions in your letter. If you book an appointment via the website and you see the message “You need to book both of your appointments again” but have not booked before, this is a system glitch, all you need to do is select continue and you’ll be able to book. If you do not want to travel to the locations provided you are advised to keep checking the site as it is regularly updated with new dates and times as vaccine supplies become available. If you phone 119 and they advise you to contact your GP, please read below.
If you prefer to have your vaccine locally via your GP surgery (at Tennant’s Auction House in Leyburn) then please just wait. Local GP practices will shortly be inviting those in cohorts 5, 7–9 who have not yet had their vaccine once group 6 is complete.
The number of phone calls we are receiving about vaccines is making it very difficult for other patients needing healthcare to speak to us. We will contact you offering you a local vaccine if you haven’t yet had one. Thank you for waiting your turn.
We are continuing to offer patient vaccinations at our Vaccination Centre situated at Tennants Auction Centre, Harmby Road, Leyburn, DL8 5SG. Patients who receive their first dose of vaccine at Tennants will also be given an appointment for their second dose at Tennants. Your GP practice has access to the appointment information and will contact you should any changes become necessary.
Some patients will receive a letter inviting them to book a vaccination appointment at one of the mass vaccination centres which are being set up by the Government. If you already have an appointment for your first or second dose at Tennants, we would ask you to disregard this letter and keep your appointment at Tennants. If you have not yet been offered an appointment at Tennants, you may wish to take up the offer of an appointment at a mass vaccination centre. This is your choice. However, if you decide that attending Tennants is more convenient for you, simply disregard the letter and rest assured that your GP practice will contact you in due course to offer you a vaccination appointment at Tennants.
All practices within Richmondshire (Leyburn Medical Practice, Harewood Medical Practice, Central Dales, Quakers Lane Surgery, The Friary Surgery, Catterick Village and Colburn Surgery, Reeth Medical Practice, Scorton Medical Practice and Doctors Lane Surgery Aldbrough St John) are working together to be able to deliver the COVID-19 vaccines to all those eligible as soon as we can.
The vaccination site is Tennants Auctioneers, The Auction Centre, Harmby Road, Leyburn, DL8 5SG. Parking is free and disabled parking is available.
Vaccination is by invitation only based on government criteria and we will contact you when it’s your turn to be vaccinated. If you haven’t received an invite yet don’t worry – we will let you know when it’s your turn to have the vaccine. Please do not ring the surgery for an update as we cannot provide any further details and calling us about the vaccine may stop someone getting through who needs urgent medical help.
The current vaccination cohorts planned are:
1. Residential care home residents
2a. Age 80+
2b. Health and social care workers
3. 75–79
4a. 70–74
4b. clinically extremely vulnerable (shielding patients) COVID-19 high risk (all ages)
5. Age 65–69
6. Age 16–64 with underlying health conditions (see below) *
7. Age 60–64
8. Age 55–59
9. Age 50–54
10. Age 40–49
11. Age 30–39
12. Age 18–29
*Underlying health conditions including:
- chronic respiratory disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis and severe asthma
- chronic heart disease (and vascular disease)
- chronic kidney disease
- chronic liver disease
- chronic neurological disease including epilepsy
- Down’s syndrome
- severe and profound learning disability
- diabetes
- solid organ, bone marrow and stem cell transplant recipients
- people with specific cancers
- immunosuppression due to disease or treatment
- asplenia and splenic dysfunction
- morbid obesity
- severe mental illness
Note: this may be subject to change.
Attending your appointment
Information for people who have been booked for an appointment to receive the first COVID-19 vaccination dose
Tennants Auction Centre
The Auction Centre
Harmby Road
North Yorkshire
- Please attend only at your allocated appointment time.
- Free parking is available at Tennants. Car park marshals will direct you where to go.
- The vaccination will happen in rooms on the first floor of the building. There is lift access in addition to a staircase.
- Carers should please wait for patients in their cars, or perhaps in the Tennants Café if you would like a drink whilst waiting. Carers should not accompany patients to the vaccination room unless they are an essential carer. This is in order to ensure we can maintain social distancing in the limited space we have available.
- Expect your appointment to last no longer than 30 minutes. This includes the recommended observation period of 15 minutes after receiving the vaccination.
- You will need to expose the top of your arm to receive the vaccine. Please wear suitable clothing to make this as easy as possible.
- You will need to wear a face covering and all staff will be wearing PPE.
COVID vaccine passports
NHS app and proof of vaccination
From 17 May international travel will be permitted to a limited number of countries and in some cases proof of COVID-19 vaccination will be required.
The mechanism for proving your vaccine status is through the NHS app.
For those who cannot access the NHS app you can request written proof that you have received your COVID-19 vaccination by contacting the NHS on 119.
You can find out more on the website.
NHS Covid Pass
An NHS COVID Pass shows your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination details or test results. This is your COVID-19 status.
You may be asked to show your pass to travel abroad, or at events and venues in England asking for proof of your COVID-19 status.
For the latest on the Covid Pass go to:
Covid Vaccinations Abroad
This service enables you to book an appointment to show evidence for any coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations you’ve had outside of England. This is so the NHS can securely update your vaccination record. Tell the NHS about coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations you’ve had abroad – NHS (
For the latest about Covid 19 go to:
COVID-19 (coronavirus) information
Roadmap out of restrictions
Click to enlarge image
The main symptoms associated with coronavirus are a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus:
- Get a test to check if you have coronavirus as soon as possible.
- Stay at home and do not have visitors until you get your test result – only leave your home to have a test.
- Anyone you live with, and anyone in your support bubble, must also stay at home until you get your result.
Please do not book a GP appointment or attend your GP practice.
If your symptoms are serious, or get worse, NHS 111 has an online coronavirus service that can tell you if you need further medical help and advise you what to do. Only call 111 direct if you are advised to do so by the online service or you cannot go online.
Most common symptoms are:
Fully COVID Vaccinated
- Runny nose
- Headache
- Sneezing
- Sore throat
- Loss of smell
- Runny Nose
- Headache
- Sore Throat
- Fever
- Persistent cough
- Loss of smell
You can go online to arrange a test to check if you have coronavirus or you can call 119.
It’s very important to do what you can to reduce the risk of you and other people getting ill with coronavirus.
You can spread the virus even if you do not have symptoms.
- Try to stay at least 2 metres (3 steps) away from anyone you do not live with (or anyone not in your support bubble)
- Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
- Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
- Wash your hands as soon as you get home
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
- DO NOT touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
Your COVID Recovery is a NHS website offering support and advice for people recovering from COVID. It helps you to understand what has happened and what you might expect as part of your recovery.
Coronavirus headlines have focused mainly on physical health and wellness as well as the way our daily habits must change—from physical distancing to wearing masks, however we’re all facing serious challenges related to depression, anxiety and emotional exhaustion.
We want to support your mental health at this time and help you support other people you know, including children and young people.
Lateral Flows and PCRs
Even if you’re vaccinated, you could still catch the virus or pass it on.
There are different tests you can get to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19). The test you need depends on why you’re getting tested.
The 2 main tests are:
- PCR tests – mainly for people with symptoms, they’re sent to a lab to be checked
- rapid lateral flow tests – only for people who do not have symptoms, they give a quick result using a device similar to a pregnancy test
Both tests are free.
PCR tests
If you have symptoms that could be COVID you need to have a PCR test, this is NOT a lateral flow test, but a swab that is sent to the lab.
Please go to: or call 119 to arrange test.
We know taking a PCR is not a pleasant experience and they interrupt work / lives etc however it’s important that residents are testing if we are going to keep the practice staff, other patients along with other residents of Leyburn and surrounding area safe.
Getting a positive PCR doesn’t stop us seeing you face to face, if a GP decides that they need to urgently examine you to manage your problem, we arrange for you to stay in the car park and we bring you into our “COVID room” where we can isolate patients with covid symptoms who need to be seen while keeping ourselves and other patients safe.
Having a positive or negative PCR can also assist our clinical team when assessing symptoms.
Lateral flows:
- Do rapid tests on days when you’re more likely to catch or spread COVID-19 and/or or as advised by your employer.
For example, do a test before you:
mix with people in crowded indoor places
- visit someone who is at higher risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19
Find out more about symptoms:
Find out more about testing: